A Charitable Guide to Planned Giving

A "Get-To-It" Guide by DeWayne Osborn CPA, CGA, CFP®

DeWayne Osborn


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Chapter revisions in process

Published: October 24th, 2018

Ocotber 22, 2018, the primary chapters that are being revised include Bequests and Life Insurance.  These chapters are being updated to include information and resources pertaining to the latest regulations, helpful tools, new opportunities (e.g. transers of corporately owned life insurance) and so forth.  Work is scheduled for completion on Friday October 26, 2018.  Thank you for your patience. 

Latest News and Updates have been posted

Published: July 21st, 2016

The site has been refreshed to reflect the changes implanented in 2016.  Namely the GRE proposals to extend to 60 monthes, New Section 5.3 - Gift of Life Insurance Through Personal Corporations, response to the question: Can I refuse a gift (Bequest Section 4), Holding and Operating Company definitions, and a brief discussion of the ACB impact of the new insurance rules out in 2016.

Addional examples will be provided soon that reflect the increased tax rate from 25% to 29% and its corresponding increase in RDTOH and other tax factors.   


Gifting Life Insurance - a primer

Published: March 17th, 2015

Today, I am seeign far too many charities accepting years of premiums for the potential of a death benefit later that is acutally costing the organization money!  The culprit, apparent big dollar death benefits with young donors.  The basic problem is a lack of understanding of the time value of money and cashflow analysis.  For example, a $250,000 gift from a 50 years old may seem large to the naked eye, but when you calculate the return on investment to achieve that same result in 50 years (when the donor reaches 100), the organization would likely fire its investment managers for similar performance.  So why are charities accepting such dismal returns when they could take those same donations, issue the same tax receipts to the donor, and invest in their endowment/long term investments for a superior gift?  That is the $1 million question!

I urge all charities to analyze the cashflows you are giving up before accepting giftgs of insurance.